Monday, February 09, 2004

The Pentagon prepares for the climate crash, but there's more fun ahead in the 21st century ... - Technology - The Pentagon's Weather Nightmare
Even as right wing idealogues strive to avoid the idea of global warming, the Pentagon prepares for the wars to come ...
Global warming may be bad news for future generations, but let's face it, most of us spend as little time worrying about it as we did about al Qaeda before 9/11. Like the terrorists, though, the seemingly remote climate risk may hit home sooner and harder than we ever imagined. In fact, the prospect has become so real that the Pentagon's strategic planners are grappling with it.

The threat that has riveted their attention is this: Global warming, rather than causing gradual, centuries-spanning change, may be pushing the climate to a tipping point. Growing evidence suggests the ocean-atmosphere system that controls the world's climate can lurch from one state to another in less than a decade—like a canoe that's gradually tilted until suddenly it flips over. Scientists don't know how close the system is to a critical threshold. But abrupt climate change may well occur in the not-too-distant future. If it does, the need to rapidly adapt may overwhelm many societies—thereby upsetting the geopolitical balance of power.

Though triggered by warming, such change would probably cause cooling in the Northern Hemisphere, leading to longer, harsher winters in much of the U.S. and Europe. Worse, it would cause massive droughts, turning farmland to dust bowls and forests to ashes. Picture last fall's California wildfires as a regular thing. Or imagine similar disasters destabilizing nuclear powers such as Pakistan or Russia—it's easy to see why the Pentagon has become interested in abrupt climate change.

Climate researchers began getting seriously concerned about it a decade ago, after studying temperature indicators embedded in ancient layers of Arctic ice. The data show that a number of dramatic shifts in average temperature took place in the past with shocking speed—in some cases, just a few years.

The case for angst was buttressed by a theory regarded as the most likely explanation for the abrupt changes. The eastern U.S. and northern Europe, it seems, are warmed by a huge Atlantic Ocean current that flows north from the tropics—that's why Britain, at Labrador's latitude, is relatively temperate. Pumping out warm, moist air, this "great conveyor" current gets cooler and denser as it moves north. That causes the current to sink in the North Atlantic, where it heads south again in the ocean depths. The sinking process draws more water from the south, keeping the roughly circular current on the go.

But when the climate warms, according to the theory, fresh water from melting Arctic glaciers flows into the North Atlantic, lowering the current's salinity—and its density and tendency to sink. A warmer climate also increases rainfall and runoff into the current, further lowering its saltiness. As a result, the conveyor loses its main motive force and can rapidly collapse, turning off the huge heat pump and altering the climate over much of the Northern Hemisphere.

Scientists aren't sure what caused the warming that triggered such collapses in the remote past. (Clearly it wasn't humans and their factories.) But the data from Arctic ice and other sources suggest the atmospheric changes that preceded earlier collapses were dismayingly similar to today's global warming. As the Ice Age began drawing to a close about 13,000 years ago, for example, temperatures in Greenland rose to levels near those of recent decades. Then they abruptly plunged as the conveyor apparently shut down, ushering in the "Younger Dryas" period, a 1,300-year reversion to ice-age conditions. (A dryas is an Arctic flower that flourished in Europe at the time.)

Though Mother Nature caused past abrupt climate changes, the one that may be shaping up today probably has more to do with us. In 2001 an international panel of climate experts concluded that there is increasingly strong evidence that most of the global warming observed over the past 50 years is attributable to human activities—mainly the burning of fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which release heat-trapping carbon dioxide. Indicators of the warming include shrinking Arctic ice, melting alpine glaciers, and markedly earlier springs at northerly latitudes. A few years ago such changes seemed signs of possible trouble for our kids or grandkids. Today they seem portents of a cataclysm that may not conveniently wait until we're history.

Accordingly, the spotlight in climate research is shifting from gradual to rapid change. In 2002 the National Academy of Sciences issued a report concluding that human activities could trigger abrupt change. Last year the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, included a session at which Robert Gagosian, director of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, urged policymakers to consider the implications of possible abrupt climate change within two decades.

Two big environmental changes, which share some common roots, are coming towards us like a massive tidal wave: global warming and the exhaustion of fossil fuels.

By the time the boomers are shuffling off the stage we'll be feeling the effects of both fossil fuel exhaustion and global warming. It will require massive adaptation across the entire spectrum of humanity.

Over the same time we'll be dealing with widely distributed low costs weapons of mass devastation (including home bioweapons), emergent nanotechnology with its unique risks and disruptions, genetic engineering & the possible enhancement of human and non-human cognition, the post-industrialization of China and India, the emergence of Africa, a world of 11 billion humans, and the ever-lurking mega-shock of abiologic sentience. No wonder Vinge and others write of the impending singularity.

Social security and medicare are the very least of our concerns, but at least they provide some lightweight near term distractions. Nor need we worry about longterm unemployment -- rebuilding our infrastructure to adjust to the new world will keep most people occupied.

About 150,000 years ago humanity went through a "chokepoint". Only 10,000 or so survived, to then spread across the world (possibly eating other sentient hominids along the way). Our next chokepoint lies ahead. Maybe this sort of thing is why the galaxy seems so quiet.

Oh well, maybe we'll just be smacked by a meteor or cooked by a gamma ray burster.

I think I need to do my taxes.

1 comment:

  1. i am so sad. of all people to be in agreement with, looks like Fidel Castro was correct; capitolism will-is-the ruination of the world. clinging to their profits rather than their survival - plotting - not how to save us - but how to be the last one standing. check mate - game over - we win. and the roach says...not so fast. so damn sad.
