Saturday, May 05, 2007

Pet food roundup: more bad news

Just more bad news

  • estimated deaths now about 8,500 with expectation of many lives limited by future renal failure
  • a mail order pet food supplier joined the recall
  • 20 million chickens may have eaten contaminated feed
  • Menu Foods admits studies have shown "cross contamination" -- foods thought to be safe are found to contain melanine

That announcement prompted ASPCA to issue its warning to pet owners.

... “Given the fact that there is new evidence of cross-contamination in ingredients that may have been considered safe prior to this news, we need to be much more aware of where the ingredients in our pets’ food are coming from,” said Dr. Steven Hansen, a board-certified toxicologist and senior vice president with the ASPCA. He manages ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) in Urbana, Ill.

Hansen added: “We are strongly recommending that pet parents immediately investigate, via their pet food manufacturer’s Web site or by calling them directly, where the ingredients--specifically protein supplements--are sourced from.”

ASPCA recommends pet owners only feed their dogs or cats products that contain U.S.-made protein supplements.

I wonder how many US made protein supplements exist. I also suspect that manufacturers aren't going to reveal their supplement sources. Your best guide may be if they don't explicitly say it's US based, then one can assume it's coming from China.

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