Monday, May 07, 2007

Trying to locate a science fiction story

I dimply recall reading a science fiction story or tv show whose plot went something like this:
  • wealthy eccentric is puzzled by the continued survival of humanity after the detonation of the first hydrogen bomb
  • wealthy guy employs cynical protagonist (neer do well political scientist with a past) to investigate
  • protagonist cynically takes the money, but slowly begins to realize his employer is right -- there's no way humanity should still be around
  • protagonist starts to close-in on the conspiracy (aliens of course) but then ...
I know "it's out there" :-). Anyone remember reading this? It might be from a long time back ...

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  1. I read everything Asimov wrote -- but that was 35 years ago!

    Give me a break. Which Asimov story?

  2. Hmm. Maybe you mean the extensions to the original Foundation series?

    I did read those, but they got a bit convoluted and boring (every manipulator had another manipulator behind them).

    I think I recall something about aliens playing a hidden role in keeping the foundation going, though by then the series had gotten seriously weird.
