Friday, June 15, 2007

Fall of The Economist - resting with Al Jazeera?

The Economist has fallen a long way in the past ten years:
Transparency for thee but not for me | FP Passport:

... A new study out from the International Center for Media and the Public Agenda measures just how candid media are about what they do and how they do it. ICMPA's newest study looks at 25 of the world's top news sites to see which ones correct their errors, are open about their journalistic standards, and welcome reader comments and criticism.

Which were the best?

* The Guardian
* The New York Times
* The Christian Science Monitor
* National Public Radio

Which were among the worst?

* Time magazine
* Al Jazeera
* The Economist
Back when I was a happy subscriber The Economist seemed quite able to admit a mistake. That was about ten years ago. It's been a nasty tumble ever since ...

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