Saturday, June 02, 2007

Twenty-three years to Google's singularity?

I've been whining lately about trying to plot a career that will take me to age 68 even as my brain falls apart. The path usually ends with me greeting shoppers.

That will be somewhere around 2030. The good news is that maybe I won't have to worry about that ...
Norvig on the Google AI:

... There has been some talk about whether Google has a top-secret project aimed at building a thinking machine. Well, I’ll tell you what happened. Larry Page came to me and said “Peter, I’ve been hearing a lot about this Strong AI stuff. Shouldn’t we be doing something in that direction?” So I said, okay. I went back to my desk and logged into our project management software. I had to write some scripts to modify it because it didn’t go far enough into the future. But I modified it so that I could put, “Human-level intelligence” on the row of the planning spreadsheet corresponding to the year 2030."...
I hope Mr. Norvig was being at least partly facetious. I fear he is not. I'd been hoping we'd put this kind of thing off to 2050 or later -- out of range of my personal light cone. 2030 though, that means I don't need to worry about saving for retirement -- because it will be very brief ...

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