Thursday, July 05, 2007

Morford on the pseudo-pardon - scathing and funny

Morford is in fine form today with a great rant on the sniveling pseudo-pardon. Here's the first paragraph:

Scooter Libby In Hell / What do Dick Cheney, Paris Hilton, "The Sopranos" and colon spasms have in common? Find out here!

So there you have it. Bush shrugs and smirks and then commutes the easy soft-focus sit-on-your-ass-all-day-and-knit white-collar prison sentence of a hollow political lackey who, in turn, took a bullet for his sneering mafia thug of a boss, Dick Cheney, who in turn was complicit (along with lead flying monkey Karl Rove) in the appallingly illegal outing of a CIA operative, which itself was a tiny but particularly nasty link in the giant chain of lies and deceptions undertaken to lead our wary and tattered nation into an unwinnable impossible costly brutally violent war that will now last, if current estimates are correct, until the goddamn sun explodes...

And he's off! Great reading, that man can write.

Update 7/5/07: This is witty. On first reading I was puzzled by the harsh condemnation of the pseudo-pardon by right wingnut stalwarts...

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