Thursday, March 06, 2008

iPhone announcement - Fake Steve Jobs says it all

Love the Iron Man graphic ...

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: Happy now, bitches?

...29 June 2007 might be the day the world changed, but today it just changed again. BlackBerry is dead. Microsoft is dead. Windows Mobile is dead. Amazon is dead. Kindle is dead. Nokia is dead. Motorola was already dead but now they are even more dead...

... Seriously, folks, it's game over.... In Canada they declared a national day of mourning for RIM. It's that huge. Today, frankly, is a day that will live in the history of our industry...

Read the whole thing. It's funny, but might be true. I'm still waiting for the catch, but this announcement is way on the high end of what I'd expected.

One caveat: the June (31st*) SDK release is likely to come with iPhone 2.0, and my past experience with Apple is that new software releases never quite fly on hold hardware. So those of us considering buying an iPhone today have to recognize that we might be selling it four months from now.

* see comments


  1. if it is june 31st, then we may be waiting until hell freezes over or at least until they change our calendar :) --Andrew

  2. Maybe I was making a satirical comment?

    I still need the knuckle trick. (Left ring finger knuckle is Jan, and from then on the valleys are short months).

    I skipped it this time though.
