Monday, March 10, 2008

Support Tom Harkin's Complete Streets legislation - write your senator

In a nation heading to $7/gallon gasoline and malignant obesity Tom Harkin's "Complete Streets" legislation is both good business and good public health:

Tom Harkin Introduces "Complete Streets" Legislation || Integrated Road Planning || Ride Boldly!

Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) introduced a bill last week designed to promote proper road planning - designing facilities that are safe for all street users, including motorists, public transit, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

Tom’s office has put out a complete media release, including the list of organizational supporters, on his Senate site. Many organizations devoted to promoting livable communities have signed on to this bill.

Writing your own Senator to encourage passage of this bill is best done by e-mail in the post-anthrax Senate, per a friend who used to be a Harkin advisor. If you need info on contacting your Senators, check out the Senate web site.

Please shoot off a supportive email. I know I will.

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