Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Gordon's Notes: move appears to have succeeded

The move to notes.kateva.org worked this time. Now we'll see if the feeds are redirecting properly ...

Update 4/15/08: Of course it didn't really work. Google changed the format of RSS feeds from blogspot to the custom domains, and so old RSS feeds don't work. I'm not sure any feeds, Atom or recent vintage RSS subscriptions, are forwarding correctly. Blogger is showing a very odd set of "recent" posts even with the new Atom feed.


  1. Well they say patience is a virtue and I must say I admire your tenacity so congratulation on the move! Alan

  2. Thanks Alan! I do wish Google Blogger was a pay service with real customer support, but the volunteers on the group help forums are very helpful.

  3. My workplace blocks katava (don't know why, I thought they only blocked porn and gambling sites) so I'll have to follow your adventures on my own time. Bummer.

  4. Thanks for the notice Cathy! If you find out what filter they use and email it to me I can inquire about it. I posted a full reply in a separate post, including a suggestion to use a blog reader.
