Friday, May 16, 2008

Dyer - new articles (now via Page2RSS)

I've been subscribing to Gwynne Dyer's stubbornly archaic article distribution system via and Page2RSS.

Today both of them notified me of a change -- the incorporation of seven new articles:

The beauty of Page2RSS is I get the notification and a summary of the changes. In this case I received all seven links in the generated RSS post. It was trivial to reformat them as above. If it keeps working I'll turn off ChangeDetection and stick with Page2RSS.

Now to read the articles ...

Update 5/18/2008: A comment suggested Feedity as another RSS source for a static page. They generate a complete feed as per this example for Dyer: So now I'll compare Feedity to Page2RSS.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one! Btw, you may also checkout Feedity ( ) a tool that I use often to create custom RSS feeds from webpages without a feed. Its much simpler and easier to use even for a layman like myself :) Chao!
