Monday, September 29, 2008

The GOP killed the bailout bill

Just in case you make the mistake of following the low quality mainstream media instead of classy blogs...
Talking Points Memo | Look at the Numbers

...There's a lot of talk out there from commentators who you'd think would know better claiming that this was basically a bipartisan failure -- that both parties, Republicans and Democrats, failed to carry their members for this bill.

But look at the numbers. 60% of Democrats in the House voted for this bill. 33% of Republicans. Face it, that's not even close...
The GOP killed the bill. That isn't making their business donors very happy. In fact I'd wager their donors are livid today ...


  1. .....everything i a lie.

  2. This bill could have passed without a single Republican vote.

    And yet, more than enough Democrats had a problem with this bill to make up for the sixty-five Republicans that voted for the bill.

  3. Maybe they were thinking the same thing I was thinking:
