Thursday, September 11, 2008

Information we shouldn't fear: the McCain/Palin science curricula

Unsurprisingly, Palin is a fan of creationism. She uses the old "nyah, nyah, you're a scaredy cat" line of argument:
Palin brings creationism debate back into the headlines: Scientific American Blog

...The addition of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to the GOP presidential ticket has brought the creationism-evolution fight back into the news cycle as voters learn more about her agnostic take on the subject 'Teach both ' Palin has said. 'You know don’t be afraid of information.'"
Ahh, don't be afraid. Good thought.

So which creation stories shall we teach?

Since we live in north america, we could choose an Inuit or Amerindian story. Or, since we live in a post-industrial world, we could teach the theory that we live in a simulation, and that our "universe" is immaterial. Or there's the theory that our dark energy infested universe is a beta design that fell off a post-singular assembly line.

Hmm, what do the Satanists say about Creation? They must have a story too. It would be unfair to leave them out.

While we're at it, let's introduce astrology into the science curriculum too. No reason not to, lots of people like astrology. Not science of course, but neither is creationism. Reagan was a big fan, so Palin must approve.

During human history many people have believed that human sacrifices can appease the gods. Let's add some human sacrifice to our science curricula.

India and China, the future of humanity may now be upon your shoulders.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I particularly enjoyed

    "While we're at it, let's introduce astrology into the science curriculum too. No reason not to, lots of people like astrology. Not science of course, but neither is creationism. Reagan was a big fan, so Palin must approve."


    I love the fish on the cars that just say to me; "Hi, over here, I am an ignorant fool" ;) and have pondered my own fish with feet - only concluding that I shouldn't have to defend the facts or the truth!
