Saturday, November 01, 2008

McCain/Palin closing in Pennsylvania - what you can do

At our Halloween party our local political expert was confident Obama would do well.

I don't believe that. I feel the future teetering.

For example:
Talking Points Memo | Election Central Saturday Roundup - Today's new Rasmussen shows McCain pulling to within 4 points of Obama in Pennsylvania.
Meanwhile Bush officials illegally leaked news on an immigration investigation into an Obama paternal relative living in Boston. No surprise there, we learned years ago that Bush answers only to His God; American law need not apply. Who knows what other divine directions Bush will follow in the next few days.

Elsewhere 18-35 year olds have been under-represented in Florida's early voting.

If civilization wins it will be by the narrowest of margins and we'll be clawing and scraping our way to the finish line. Or civilization could lose, and Gaia will celebrate the coming of President Palin.

So forget about calling Florida Jewish elders. Start calling your non-GOP friends, children, nieces and nephews in Pennsylvania, Florida and everywhere. Get them to vote early if they can. Tell the kids they need to get five youngsters to the polls or they'll be eating spam for thanksgiving, living on coffee shop earnings, and inheriting the wind.

Not to mention living in the dregs of a decaying civilization ruled by President Palin.

Phone. Email. Cajole. Threaten. Bribe. Donate.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that PA has early voting, nor does it have same-day registration. For a fascinating view of the situation on the ground in Western PA take a look at

    Beaver County is only 15 miles away from my home in a suburb of Pittsburgh. It was Obama's first rally of the General Election.

    One key to understanding the psychology is to understand that in the 1980s as the steel mills collapsed the unemployed in Beaver county reached well over 20% - Great Depression levels.
