Saturday, February 28, 2009

Jindal - the GOP's gift to the nation

I don't thank the GOP for much, but I do have to credit them for an unsuspected sense of humor.

How did they know Jindal was just the comic relief we needed?

Inventing stories of personal faux heroism (remember how the GOP savaged John Kerry for relatively minor discrepancies in true stories of military action?), alienating the entire Coast Guard by claiming government did nothing for victims of Katrina (they were heroic), mocking federally funded research on (wait for it ...) volcanic eruption prediction ...

Phew! Pardon me while I wipe a tear from my eyes. That was a comic tour de force. But Frank Rich tells us there was even more...
Frank Rich - The Ecstasy and the Agony -

... Listening to Jindal talk Tuesday night about his immigrant father’s inability to pay for an obstetrician, you’d never guess that at the time his father was an engineer and his mother an L.S.U. doctoral candidate in nuclear physics. Sanford’s first political ad in 2002 told of how growing up on his “family’s farm” taught him “about hard work and responsibility.” That “farm,” the Charlotte Observer reported, was a historic plantation appraised at $1.5 million in the early 1980s. From that hardscrabble background, he struggled on to an internship at Goldman Sachs...
Really, it's too much!

Thank you Party of Limbaugh! You sure know how to make me forget my minor woes ...

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