Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Way of the Palm - I'm a lapsed member

I've abandoned the Way of the Palm for the seductions of the iPhone, but reading this description I realize I was almost a charter member once ...

True believers: The biggest cults in tech | Adventures in IT - InfoWorld

When Jonathan Ezor walked into a J&R Music store in the fall of 1996 and encountered his first Pilot 1000, it wasn't exactly a religious experience, but it was life-altering. He immediately began speaking in tongues -- or, more accurately, writing in flawless Graffiti, the Pilot's handwriting recognition alphabet...

.. Ezor says he's owned seven Palm PDAs in his life (he currently uses a TX) ...

...You can identify true devotees because they're the ones standing around beaming contact info and free apps to each other through their Palms' IR ports, says Ezor....

..."I think the true believers are the ones who had the Pilot 1000 or 5000, who jumped on the Palm before it went mainstream," he says. "And the orthodox sect belongs to people who prefer Graffiti 1 over Graffiti 2...

I'm not sure I qualify as a true believer (I think the Palm III was my first), but I do think I had about 6-7 devices and I was definitely orthodox. Graffiti 2 was a grievous wound.

As a former member of the tribe, I have nothing but fond wishes for the Pre. In fact, I'm praying for it to put "the fear" into the heart of Apple, and force them to rethink their disdainful support for the "Four Paths of PIM Productivity (contacts, calendaring, tasks, notes).

I missed the Tao of Newton, but I was almost there. I'm so disappointed that they omitted the Flagellants of OS/2.


  1. John, I'm waiting for the Pre and am trying to plan in a practical way how I can obtain one. I signed up for the Pre gossip twitter feeds - right now it is looking like first week of June? I can hold out that long I think.

    The biggest problem at the moment is that there won't be GSM support - this is quite problematic for me and I'm still mulling it now.

    But yes, I miss my Palm (or Sony Clie, as was the 3rd device) every day.

  2. I still have not given up on my Palm T3.. until Apple does something with it's horrible horrible horrible Calendar/todo problems... PIM is the basis for the PDA's.. not just games and "cool" stuff.... the only my Itouch does better than my PDA is play music and the reading of e-books. In that respect the I-products are superior..but that can't get me to loosen my grip on my old trust T3...
