Monday, July 06, 2009

The GOP’s amazing spiral into historic irrelevance

Somewhere Mitt Romney is screaming “Pull Up”, Pull Up” and hauling back on the control stick as his one winged plane screams groundwards …

GOP Pols Losing Control Of Tea Party Movement? | TPMDC

Thousands of right-wing activists across this country rang in the Independence Day holiday with yet another round of tea-party protests against President Obama...

… Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), who is chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, was booed at the event in Austin -- on the grounds that he's part of the problem in Washington, having voted for the Wall St. bailout last fall…

… Gov. Rick Perry -- who famously seemed to raise the specter of Texas seceding from the union during the April Tax Day protests -- was also booed at the same Austin event as Cornyn. Attendees saw him as yet another tax-hiking tyrant, because he supports toll roads in order to relieve traffic congestion…

… Katie Vandermeer … heard about the tea party through the Texas Nationalist Movement, which advocates Texas' secession from the U.S.

In Bemidji, Minnesota, a headline speaker for their "Freedom Over Socialism" rally was state Rep. Mary Seifer … who warned of government taking away everyone's personal freedom: "Now suddenly we tell you that you have to wear your seat belts … Another speaker, former state legislative candidate John Carlson, spoke favorably of the Articles of Confederation.

The tea party in Columbia, South Carolina, featured Sen. Jim DeMint and state Rep. Nikki Haley, a leading Republican candidate for Governor. One prominent person was missing, though: Gov. Mark Sanford, who had previously headlined a Tax Day tea party back in April.

The tea party in Boiling Springs, South Carolina, featured a colorful cast of characters. The headline speaker was Alan Keyes, who has been a leading name of the "Birther" movement … One attendee took out a flyer that said, "Zelaya today, Obama tomorrow," but said he was advocating impeachment of Obama after he was asked directly whether he was in favor of a coup.

At the event in Los Angeles, right-wing former Saturday Night Live actress Victoria Jackson -- who has previously called Barack Obama a Muslim and a communist -- called for the President's impeachment, "There, I said it," and did a handstand dedicated to our men and women in uniform….

I knew the GOP was in trouble, but I didn’t expect it to come apart at the seams.

This is bad. We all need a credible, Rational, alternative to my currently favored party. The only thing a wrecked GOP will produce is right wingnut terrorists.

Maybe Romney will pull the GOP out of its dive into oblivion. Or maybe they’ll be so shattered in 2010 and 2012 that we’ll end up with a new political party …

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