Friday, November 07, 2008

Obama’s Economic Advisory Board – includes Robert Reich!

Paul Krugman and Brad DeLong aren’t on the board (and why not?), but another blog author I follow is … Robert Reich!

Thanks Professor Reich!

This is the kind of list that should reassure a lot of people that America made the right choice when we voted for President Obama. Emphases mine, note the names and connections..

Obama’s Transition Economic Advisory Board - List -

DAVID E. BONIOR Academic; former Democratic Congressman from Michigan; John Edwards’s campaign manager.

WARREN E. BUFFETT Billionaire investor and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway; expected to take part by telephone.

ROEL C. CAMPOS Washington lawyer; former member of the Securities and Exchange Commission; former broadcasting executive.

WILLIAM M. DALEY Senior executive at JP Morgan Chase; former Commerce Secretary; chairman of Al Gore’s presidential campaign.

WILLIAM H. DONALDSON Former chairman of the S.E.C.; long career in investment banking, higher education and government.

ROGER W. FERGUSON Jr. Chief executive of TIAA-CREF, the private financial services company; former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve.

JENNIFER M. GRANHOLM Governor of Michigan.

ANNE M. MULCAHY Chairwoman and chief executive of Xerox.

RICHARD D. PARSONS Chairman of Time Warner; former banker.

PENNY S. PRITZKER Senior executive, Hyatt; national finance chairwoman for the Obama campaign.

ROBERT B. REICH Author, academic, former Labor Secretary.

ROBERT E. RUBIN Chairman of Citigroup; former Treasury Secretary.

ERIC E. SCHMIDT Chairman and chief executive, Google.

LAWRENCE H. SUMMERS Economist, academic; former Treasury Secretary.

LAURA D’ANDREA TYSON Academic; former chairwoman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors and the National Economic Council.


PAUL A. VOLCKER Former chairman of the Federal Reserve.

Pretty damned good.

1 comment:

  1. Hilary might not be that bad for secretary of state. She lives high, like all the dignataries around the world, and I'd hate to have to go through her to get my bills through the Senate. And Bill has connections and experience. Who knows?
