Friday, November 07, 2008

Republican Siamese Fighting Fish

In an aquarium Siamese Fighting Fish (Bettas) will fight to the death.

The GOP is now stuck in the aquarium of defeat. They're even attacking the propaganda wing of the GOP ...
Palin in spotlight as Republicans turn on each other | World news | The Guardian

... Rush Limbaugh, behemoth of rightwing radio, took to the airwaves to declare war on two enemies: Barack Obama and the Republican party. Bloggers at, an internet hub for conservatives, announced a boycott of Fox News and John McCain's aides fell over one another to leak embarrassing details about the campaign to the press...

... "Ladies and gentlemen, it is worse than I thought," Limbaugh told listeners. "What the Republican party, led by disgruntled and failed McCain staffers, is trying to do to Sarah Palin, is unconscionable ... We're going to be taking on two things here [over] the next four years: Obama, and our own party establishment."..

...The main ammunition in the war was a lengthening list of allegations against Palin: that she thought Africa was a country; that she failed to inform the campaign about a scheduled call with Nicolas Sarkozy which turned out to be a prank; that she refused to undergo coaching prior to her disastrous interviews with CBS anchor Katie Couric; that she couldn't name the three countries in the North America Free Trade Agreement; and that the party had spent up to $70,000 (£45,000) on "wardrobe items" for Palin and "luxury goods" for her husband, in addition to the $150,000 already reported. (Some of the claims were revealed by Fox, hence the boycott.)

The New York Times reported that when Palin met McCain in Phoenix on Tuesday night, she held the text of a speech she planned to deliver, in defiance of campaign convention, and had to be overruled....

..., announced Operation Leper, designed to blacklist campaign staffers believed to be responsible...

... There was speculation that the culprits may be former aides to Mitt Romney, positioning their hero for a future presidential run...

... Steve Schmidt, a senior McCain adviser, speaking to reporters on the candidate's plane, was making little effort to hide his disdain for Palin. Asked if her presence on the ticket had been a disadvantage, he twice refused to answer.

Randy Scheunemann, McCain's foreign policy chief, this week denied reports that he had been fired in the final stage of the campaign for siding with Palin and leaking "poison" on McCain to the pro-Palin columnist William Kristol...

... Palin dismissed the criticisms, attributing them to "a small, bitter type of person". Instead, she has emphasised perhaps the only thing that still unites her and her supporters with McCain loyalists: hostility towards the media.

She had "a little bit of disappointment in my heart about the world of journalism today" ...

Palin offered to help reporters confront their problems. "I want to ... help restore some credibility there," she said.

On the one hand it's nice to see such an exquisitely cruel and nasty group of human beings pound on each other's egos. On the other hand we need a respectable, sentient opposition. The GOP is threatening to turn into a party for crazed loons. In which case Minnesota's shark jumping loon will be quite at home.

Incidentally, I don't believe Palin really considered Africa to be a country. She's no intellectual, but she's not cognitively impaired either.

Note the resurgence of the current GOP meme -- it's all the fault of the biased liberal media. It appears the "liberal media" now includes Fox! They really weren't ready to be called on their swill.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of thought that the mainstream media was right, didn't you? Maybe those designations are getting old and devicive. I'd like to see Supreme Court Justices who were both all at onec and middle, not to mention above all that and inspired to boot. If the country isn't conservative, rather than progressive, then why are we getting behind and even sliding backwards? I read somewhere that they are calling us a 3rd world country now. Say, that's going too far.
