Saturday, December 04, 2004

Exhibit A in the judgment of humanity

infernal device

Examples of human evil, by no means complete. Should anything sit in judgment upon humanity they will find this a useful exhibit.

China funds US housing bubble

The New York Times > Business > World Business > Dollar's Fall Tests Nerve of Asia's Central Bankers
... officials at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange in Beijing have been seeking higher yields by plowing billions of dollars a month into bonds backed by mortgages on houses across the United States, according to bankers who help Beijing manage the money. By helping keep mortgage rates from rising, China has come to play an enormous and little-noticed role in sustaining the American housing boom.

So, is this an evil conspiracy to destroy the US economy? No. It's a desperate attempt to keep the US economy afloat. A recession in America is bad news, a recession in China is a potential worldwide catastrophe. An American recession might mean a Chinese recession.

I'd be more willing to invest if Bush were not our President.

What a ridiculous nation: shock and steroids

CBS News | Top Stars Named In Steroid Reports | December 4, 2004 07:51:31

This is absolutely absurd. When the "scandal" first broke, I assumed it would be completely ignored. Instead it's being treated as though this were news. I think I really do live on another planet.

It's been very well understood for several years that drugs were used very extensively throughout all of baseball to enhance athletic performance. It's also understood that they have been used very widely in olympic events where muscle strength is critical (eg. most of them). Female atheletes in particular will gain an enormous advantage from the use of androgenic substances.

The next step is gene doping. The only interesting part of this discussion is the yet-to-appear recognition that there's nothing fair in the universe -- some people are born with the endocrine systems that others replicate through drugs.

If "fans" wanted a relatively drug free sport we'd have it.

Bono plans lifelong poverty fight

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Bono plans lifelong poverty fight
Rock singer Bono has pledged to spend the rest of his life trying to help the impoverished around the world.

I actually believe he'll give it a good shot. We do have some reasonable ideas about what it would take to fight poverty on a world scale. What we lack is courage, compassion, wisdom and desire. Perhaps a desire for self-preservation, which we may have, will be an adequate substitute.

Friday, December 03, 2004

When I was young, the Internet was open to all

Tenet calls for Internet security -- The Washington Times
Former CIA Director George J. Tenet yesterday called for new security measures to guard against attacks on the United States that use the Internet, which he called "a potential Achilles' heel."
...The Internet "represents a potential Achilles' heel for our financial stability and physical security if the networks we are creating are not protected," Mr. Tenet said.
He said known adversaries, including "intelligence services, military organizations and non-state actors," are researching information attacks against the United States
... Access to networks like the World Wide Web might need to be limited to those who can show they take security seriously, he said.
Mr. Tenet called for industry to lead the way by "establishing and enforcing" security standards. Products need to be delivered to government and private-sector customers "with a new level of security and risk management already built in."
The national press, including United Press International (UPI), were excluded from yesterday's event, at Mr. Tenet's request, organizers said.

Once upon a time there was a thing called freedom.

What is Tenet calling for? Nothing new. He means:

1. a strong chain of authentication.
2. regulated encryption
3. the elimination of open source solutions
4. the regulation of computer hardware

Palladium, hardware authentication, encryption across the computer, biometric authentication, authorized-only access to the internet, regulated encryption with government held keys, etc. None of this is new, all of it has surfaced in one form or another since the 1980s. There was a big push for regulated encryption with private key registration back when Al Gore was a senator.

Microsoft is a major supporter of the "authenticated internet" and of this solution set. It's the ultimate way to lock out all other solutions. I suspect Tenet will shortly be on the board of Microsoft -- if he isn't already.

It will be ironic if, 10 years from now, the only "free" internets will be run out of central Africa.

Bush believes in the purity of the markets?

Theoretically, Tax Reform Should Fly (

WaPo claims Bush's policies, including removal of tax breaks for employer purchased healthcare, are based on an enthusiasm for market solutions.

I wonder. Bush has not demonstrated much understanding of economics in the past four years. Assuming it's true however, does Bush understand that markets say some disturbing things about how the disabled should be cared for?

Perhaps Bush's solution to the pension obligations is liberal application of ice floes.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

A raging cry against war

The New York Review of Books: On War

Chris Hedges is not shrill. He is angry. He also knows something of war.

Sinclair Lewis redux

Fascism in America? | Metafilter

On the tyranny of genetics

Marginal Revolution: Nature, Nurture and Income

The income of adult children tends to reflect their parents income. Is this due to nurture (better schooling, more advantages, social connections) or nature (shared genes).

Bruce Sacerdote provides an answer based on adoption studies. The answer appears to be the genes.

I'd have been surprised by any other result; this tracks with other studies on the inheritance of IQ. What's interesting, however, is that even in the range of more common (?average) parental incomes the adoptee income seems quite low.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

A dog dies

Molly 1989-2004

The new order: do not offend the GOP

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall: November 28, 2004 - December 04, 2004 Archives
As of noon on Wednesday, a quick look at Google News suggests that reporting on CBS's and NBC's refusal to run the United Church of Christ inclusion ad is almost entirely limited to the gay press (,, etc.). There's an AP story which has been picked up by the Akron Beacon Journal, but little else.

How do the anti-evolutionists handle this?

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Ancestor's DNA code reconstructed
'Based on the differences that we observed between the different mammals, we were able to work out, with pretty good accuracy, what changes would have occurred during evolution and figure out what, most likely, was the ancestral sequence from which everyone started,' he told BBC News.

I'm sure the anti-Darwinists have an answer to this, but I'm curious as to what it is. Probably the same answer their predecessors had for dinosaur bones -- created by the Devil to challenge men's faith.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Torture at Guantanamo bay News | More cold-blooded than Abu Ghraib

Torture, American style. I'm sure we'll excel at it.

We tried.

Yes, the blue states give money, the reds receive

A Dichotomy in Two Colors Ludwig von Mises Institute
An anti-government (Libertarian?) web site struggles with the astonishing conumdrum -- the blue states are net donors to the budget, the red states net recipients.

Monday, November 29, 2004

The arrested president

Ottawa Independent Media Center
Canadian authorities have arrested US President George W. Bush and charged him with offences under Canada's War Crimes Act.

Since the US army has been depleted by the Iraq conquest, the Canadians estimate it will be at least a few days before Canada is invaded ..