Wednesday, August 01, 2007

TSA Administrator on No-Fly list

I was wondering when Schneier would get to the "no-fly list" part of his interview with the TSA Administrator, Kip Hawley. It came out today.

My read is that Hawley was defensive and his answers this set of questions were weak. Here he discusses the new redress procedure ... (emphasis mine)
Schneier on Security: Conversation with Kip Hawley, TSA Administrator (Part 3)

...KH: ... if someone is either wrongly put on or kept on, the Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) removes him or her immediately. In fact, TSA worked with the TSC to review every name, and that review cut the no-fly list in half. Having said that, once someone is really on the no-fly list, I totally agree with what you said about appeal rights. This is true across the board, not just with no-flys. DHS has recently consolidated redress for all DHS activities into one process called DHS TRIP. If you are mistaken for a real no-fly, you can let TSA know and we provide your information to the airlines, who right now are responsible for identifying no-flys trying to fly. Each airline uses its own system, so some can get you cleared to use kiosks, while others still require a visit to the ticket agent. When Secure Flight is operating, we'll take that in-house at TSA and the problem should go away.
So the list was so bad an initial review dropped it by 50%. I hope Hawley is simply dissembling and that he's not so foolish as to think his answers are reasonable. Note the problem with each airline having their own procedures for dealing with "cleared" names. What a mess.

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