Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The history of Google Base

Anyone remember Google Base? I bought the hype. (Must remember, must remember ...)

Here's what happened. Or at least a plausible simulation ...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Treating injured brains with ECT?

In an earlier post tonight, I wrote about how different patterns of brain injury and incomplete repair might characterize traumatic brain injury and neurodevelopmental disorders such as "autism" and the personality disorders. I forgot in that post to note the researchers particular interest in Mr. Walter's prolonged antidepressant therapy. Researchers now think of depression as the clinical manifestation of a sort of brain injury, and recovery from depression is associated with neuronal proliferation (healing) in focal areas of the depressed person's brain. Antidepressants may somehow support or trigger that neuroproliferation.

Hmm. Injury. Healing. Antidpressants. Naturally one thinks of electronvulsive therapy, an old, mysterious, and remarkably effective treatment for severe depression. Does that also cause neuroproliferation? If so, would it have a place in treating traumatic brain injury, autism or personality disorders? (Of course the heyday of ECT, as dramatized in that infamous slander One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, it was used for just about everything.)

This would have occurred to researchers in the field many years ago, so I turned to PubMed. It turns out there's been a lot of rat brain work in the past five years. I couldn't find anything on ECT for traumatic brain injury, just old studies on whether ECT caused brain injury. I bet we'll see some animal studies on this topic within the year. As for ECT in autism -- the question has been asked. I think we'd need to have some reasonable animal models for autism before we could explore that one very much ...

Update 7/4: I was following the wrong path with ECT. This morning I remembered that Medtronic and others are using direct electrode "pacing" of brain tissue to treat Parkinson's Disease and depression. So the future is even closer than I'd guessed. We might end up using diffuse (ECT) or focal (pacing) electrostimulation to facilitate healing of a range of injured brains, including autistic brains. (This all reminds me of Accelerando ...)

Healing injured brains: implications for autism?

If injured brains heal over decades, how should we be treating adults with autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders?

Be the Best You can Be: Healing brains, healing minds...

Porn spam, click through, and the haunting laughter of Leo Strauss

Wow. If this data is to be believed (big if), the click through rate on porn spam is about 6.5%. The only reason that I find this at all credible is that there's so much porn spam out there. With this kind of click through, it all makes sense.

There's still the possibility that maybe half those click-throughs come from adolescent males who are known to be insane and thus not responsible for their actions. Excluding them, it would mean that only 1/30 email users are a danger to themselves and others and should be committed.

Even so, between this and recent American elections, I'm definitely souring on democracy. Alas, Strauss is getting the last laugh ...

One big happy family: the universal ancestor

Associated Press has a somewhat tortuous article following up on a recent Nature publication on human geneology. I think it's a bit easier to read chopped into pieces:
Roots of human family tree are shallow - Yahoo! News

... everybody on Earth descends from somebody who was around as recently as the reign of Tutankhamen, maybe even during the Golden Age of ancient Greece. There's even a chance that our last shared ancestor lived at the time of Christ.

"It's a mathematical certainty that that person existed," said Steve Olson, whose 2002 book "Mapping Human History" traces the history of the species since its origins in Africa more than 100,000 years ago.

... With the help of a statistician, a computer scientist and a supercomputer, Olson has calculated just how interconnected the human family tree is. You would have to go back in time only 2,000 to 5,000 years — and probably on the low side of that range — to find somebody who could count every person alive today as a descendant.

Furthermore, Olson and his colleagues have found that if you go back a little farther — about 5,000 to 7,000 years ago — everybody living today has exactly the same set of ancestors. In other words, every person who was alive at that time is either an ancestor to all 6 billion people living today, or their line died out and they have no remaining descendants.

... most of the people who lived 1,200 years ago appear not twice, but thousands of times on our family trees, because there were only 200 million people on Earth back then. Simple division — a trillion divided by 200 million — shows that on average each person back then would appear 5,000 times on the family tree of every single individual living today.

... Keep going back in time, and there are fewer and fewer people available to put on more and more branches of the 6.5 billion family trees of people living today. It is mathematically inevitable that at some point, there will be a person who appears at least once on everybody's tree.

... When you walk through an exhibit of Ancient Egyptian art from the time of the pyramids, everything there was very likely created by one of your ancestors — every statue, every hieroglyph, every gold necklace. If there is a mummy lying in the center of the room, that person was almost certainly your ancestor, too.

It means when Muslims, Jews or Christians claim to be children of Abraham, they are all bound to be right.

"No matter the languages we speak or the color of our skin, we share ancestors who planted rice on the banks of the Yangtze, who first domesticated horses on the steppes of the Ukraine, who hunted giant sloths in the forests of North and South America, and who labored to build the Great Pyramid of Khufu," Olson and his colleagues wrote in the journal Nature.

... Seven years ago one of Olson's colleagues, a Yale University statistician named Joseph Chang, started thinking about how to estimate when the last common ancestor of everybody on Earth today lived...

... A few years later Chang was contacted by Olson, who had started thinking about the world's interrelatedness while writing his book. They started corresponding by e-mail, and soon included in their deliberations Douglas Rohde, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology neuroscientist and computer expert who now works for Google.

The researchers knew they would have to account for geography to get a better picture of how the family tree converges as it reaches deeper into the past. They decided to build a massive computer simulation that would essentially re-enact the history of humanity as people were born, moved from one place to another, reproduced and died.

Rohde created a program that put an initial population on a map of the world at some date in the past, ranging from 7,000 to 20,000 years ago. Then the program allowed those initial inhabitants to go about their business. He allowed them to expand in number according to accepted estimates of past population growth, but had to cap the expansion at 55 million people due to computing limitations. Although unrealistic in some respects — 55 million is a lot less than the 6.5 billion people who actually live on Earth today — he found through trial and error that the limitation did not significantly change the outcome with regard to common ancestry.

The model also had to allow for migration based on what historians, anthropologists and archaeologists know about how frequently past populations moved both within and between continents. Rohde, Chang and Olson chose a range of migration rates, from a low level where almost nobody left their native home to a much higher one where up to 20 percent of the population reproduced in a town other than the one where they were born, and one person in 400 moved to a foreign country.

Allowing very little migration, Rohde's simulation produced a date of about 5,000 B.C. for humanity's most recent common ancestor. Assuming a higher, but still realistic, migration rate produced a shockingly recent date of around 1 A.D.

... One ancestral link to another cultural group among your millions of forbears, and you share ancestors with everyone in that group. So everyone who reproduced with somebody who was born far from their own natal home — every sailor blown off course, every young man who set off to seek his fortune, every woman who left home with a trader from a foreign land — as long as they had children, they helped weave the tight web of brotherhood we all share.
Could there be exceptions? Australian aborigines were isolated a long time ago...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Revenge of the consumer: Think

In the old days, brands mattered. Brands had reputations, slowly earned and slowly lost. Companies had to be careful about what they did.

Then brands died. In a commodity world, only price matters. Every crooked angle, every corner cut, every hidden thing removed, goes to the bottom line. The result has been a plummeting drop in the quality of services delivered and goods manufactured, a drop so steep that I suspect it comprises a underground ocean of inflation (1/2 the price and 1/3 the lifespan is inflation).

For every action, there is a reaction. A countervailing force has emerged...
AOL Said, 'If You Leave Me I'll Do Something Crazy' - New York Times

...People who left online comments about Mr. Ferrari's AOL call expressed delight, more often than disbelief, in seeing public exposure of an AOL experience similar to their own. "The same thing happened to me" is a refrain among the posts. Before the advent of the Web, an encounter with inept customer service was ours to bear alone, with little recourse or means to warn others. Now, Mr. Ferrari can swiftly post on the Web a digital "documentary" that recorded his dismal experience, and news-sniffing hounds do the rest.

With the enthusiastic help of users of Digg, the much-visited site that lets readers rate news stories, the online world found its way to Mr. Ferrari's door. (Actually, too many curiosity seekers arrived that day: the server that hosted his blog crashed hard when about 300,000 visitors tried to push through the door at about the same time.) YouTube did its part in spreading the word, by making available a replay of the AOL call that was part of Mr. Ferrari's appearance on the "Today" show on NBC.

YouTube was also the place to enjoy a new one-minute gem titled "A Comcast Technician Sleeping on My Couch." The technician, in Washington, had arrived at Brian Finkelstein's home to replace a faulty modem and had to call in to Comcast's central office. Placed on hold just like powerless customers, the technician fell asleep after an hour of waiting.

How should Mr. Finkelstein have responded? By writing a letter of complaint to some distant regulatory authority that will require years before it acts? Far more effective means are now at hand. He recorded, then uploaded the video clip with some humorous asides about missed appointments and unfulfilled promises, and got immediate satisfaction in the act of sharing. More than 500,000 viewers have watched Mr. Finkelstein's video "thank you" note to Comcast.

AOL and Comcast executives in charge of customer service may long for the good old days when they had to deal only with a finite number of federal regulators...
Ok, so AOL is easy pickings. I remember when they were a quality company -- but that was before the internet when they were Macintosh only. I left them about 14 years ago.

They're not alone however. Dell has been just as evil, not to mention SONY and just about every manufacturer in a commodity world. Revenge is as close as A well written, factually oriented statement of the user experience, particularly when backed up by a 'true name' author, is a wicked right hook to a company that's making revenue by hiding quality cuts. Before you buy, always read the Amazon reviews -- particularly the negative ones. It will server you well.

If you do have a bad experience, see if the produce is sold on Amazon. Register your 'true name' so you get your posts up guickly. You don't have to have bought the produce on Amazon. Make your review factual and unemotional. Help make the world a better place, and get some satisfaction. Opportunities to combine good action and revenge are rare, so take advantage of them!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Drunk driving less disruptive than thought ...

The media has widely reported that cell phone use impairs driving ability as much as a blood alcohol of 0.08.

Of course the media reports don't give us enough data to make any decisions on, thus my slightly tongue-in-cheak posting title. It's noteworthy that other studies suggest a conversation in the car may be equally distracting. I find my kids to be far more distracting than phones, passengers, alcohol or incoming meteors, but our situation is perhaps atypical.

If I were to be daring, however, I'd wager we'll discover that the subjects they're doing these tests on (grad students?) probably drive as well when intoxicated, under test conditions, as does the average healthy 75 yo in late afternoon.

Arms race in the market: Dynamic vs. predictive pricing

Airlines price seats on some combination of supply, demand, and psychology. Dell does this with their large and short lived "specials". Amazon has tried dynamic pricing too, though I'm not sure they're still doing it.

Well, as sure as night follows day the market has produced a countervailing force. The evolutionary arms race continues:
Airfares Made Easy (or Easier) - New York Times

.. Mr. Etzioni helped to create Farecast, an airfare search engine that also predicts how much the price of an airline ticket will rise or fall over the coming days...

... Farecast could become a great tool for consumers because it uses much the same techniques that airline computers have used to extract the maximum amount of money from the flying public. It is the latest Web site to harness cheap computing power to hazard predictions on all sorts of everyday things and make the data available to consumers.

One such site introduced this year was, ... It mines data in county land records to hazard a guess on the value of 65 million homes across the United States...

Inrix, based in Kirkland, Wash., crunches data to predict traffic....

... "This is Shopping 2.0," said Hugh Crean, Farecast's chief executive. It goes one step further than Web sites like Kayak, Sidestep and Farechase ... that search the listings of the airlines..

A traveler picks the dates and destination of the trip just as he would at any other online airline travel site. (The Farecast site has flights only to and from Seattle and Boston, but promises to have all the major American cities by year-end.) Farecast generates a list of the scheduled flights, listing them from cheapest to most expensive.

What's different is that at the top of the screen is an arrow that points the direction Farecast's computer predicts fares are headed. Farecast even specifies how much it will change.
I'll have to add these links to my Firefox bookmarks -- much handier now that Google syncs them to all my machines, and to my business travel web page.

I suspect the big money for Farecast will come from corporations, at the very least they'll use the threat of Farecast to get a better deal from airlines. Airlines may try to game the system, or they may find it's easier to reduce dynamic pricing -- which would put Farecast out of business.

Where's it going to go? The "military computer becomes sentient" is a staple of science fiction. Skynet is the best known popular example. Maybe, but maybe it'll be predictive pricing, or games. When predictive pricing software starts incorporating neural networks from rats (as in that infamous F-22 simulator rat brain) and it's time to start digging ... :-) Oh, wait, it's too late ...

Friday, June 30, 2006

Barack Obama is a fool

Pharyngula has done a great service, he's revealed that Barack Obamais a fool. Wow, it's good to learn that now.

Gaming Amazon reviews: 17/17 found this helpful

Looking over my Amazon reviews, it's hard to avoid an obvious correlation. My occasional very positive reviews get extremely high "helpful" ratings, but my frequent negative reviews get a more mixed set of "helpful" ratings.

Now some of that may be human nature -- most people buying things want to hear good news, not bad news. I do wonder, though, how much gaming is going on ...

(BTW, I always look for the bad ratings first. They are the ones I value highly. It's easy to tell which are thoughtful and well done.)

Take the Net: Own the last mile

Cringely promotes the idea of a historic figure -- the Visi Calc programmer:
PBS | I, Cringely . June 29, 2006 - If we build it they will come

... The obvious answer is for regular folks like you and me to own our own last mile Internet connection. This idea, which Frankston supports, is well presented by Bill St. Arnaud in a presentation you'll find among this week's links. (Bill is senior director of advanced networks with CANARIE, which is responsible for the coordination and implementation of Canada's next generation optical Internet initiative.) The idea is simple: run Fiber To The Home (FTTH) and pay for it as a community of customers -- a cooperative. The cost per fiber drop, according to Bill's estimate, is $1,000-$1,500 if 40 percent of homes participate. Using the higher $1,500 figure, the cost to finance the system over 10 years at today's prime rate would be $17.42 per month.

What we'd get for our $17.42 per month is a gigabit-capable circuit with no bits inside - just a really fast connection to some local point of presence where you could connect to ANY ISP wanting to operate in your city.

'It's honest funding,' says Frankston. 'The current system is like buying drinks so you can watch the strippers. It is corrupt and opaque. We should pay for our wires in our communities just like we pay for the wires in our homes.'

The effect of this move would be beyond amazing. It would be astounding. No more arguments about Net Neutrality, for one thing, because we'd effectively be extending our ownership and control of the wires all the way to the ISP interconnect. Of course you'd still have to buy Internet service, but at NerdTV rates the amount of bandwidth used by a median U.S. broadband customer would be less than $2.00 per month. Though with that GREAT BIG PIPE most of us would be tempted to use a lot more bandwidth, which is exactly the point.
I'm in.

Google's strategy: a summary

Google Blogoscoped is getting better all the time. I like this synopsis of Google's strategy:
Google Checkout Is Live

It looks like Google aims to become the software layer below all web content. A webmaster can now create a shop site by outsourcing the data publication to Google Base, getting extra publicity through Google AdWords, adding Google features through Google Account Authentication, add site search with the Google Web API, and allow shoopers to buy stuff with Google Checkout without having to handle credit card information. Community sites can make revenue via Google AdSense, share the revenue through the AdSense API, and outsource blogs (Blogger), web pages (Google Page Creator), groups (Google Groups), calendars (Google Calendar), videos (Google Video), images (Picasa Web Albums), maps (the Google Maps API) and so on. The foundation for all of this, really, is user trust in Google, and the question: will they screw with my data or not?
I'm still waiting for Google backup.

Heroes in Georgia: Ms. New and Mr. Carter

A respected Georgia high school teacher, one of only two credentialed teachers in a rural community, takes an extremely radical position. She teaches about evolution ....
Evolution's Lonely Battle in a Georgia Classroom - New York Times

... Pat New, 62, a respected, veteran middle school science teacher, ... a year ago, quietly stood up for her right to teach evolution in this rural northern Georgia community, and prevailed.

She would not discuss the conflict while still teaching, because Ms. New wouldn't let anything disrupt her classroom. But she has decided to retire, a year earlier than planned. "This evolution thing was a lot of stress," she said. And a few weeks ago, on the very last day of her 29-year career, at 3:15, when Lumpkin County Middle School had emptied for the summer, and she had taken down her longest poster from Room D11A — the 15-billion-year timeline ranging from the Big Bang to the evolution of man — she recounted one teacher's discreet battle.

She isn't sure how many questioned her teaching of evolution — perhaps a dozen parents, teachers and administrators and several students in her seventh-grade life science class. They sent e-mail messages and letters, stopped her in the hall, called board members, demanded meetings, requested copies of the PBS videos that she showed in class...

...On May 5, 2005, she filled out a complaint to initiate a grievance under state law, writing that she was being "threatened and harassed" though "I am following approved curriculum." She also wrote, "If we could get together within 24 hours and settle this and I feel I have support to teach the standards, then I would tear it up."

Suddenly the superintendent was focused on standards. Mr. Moye called the state department's middle school science supervisor and asked about evolution. "Obviously the State Department of Education supports evolution," Mr. Moye said in an interview....

... In January 2004, when they were about to be adopted, Kathy Cox, Georgia's education superintendent, announced that she would remove evolution from the standards because it was too divisive an issue. That set off a huge protest that included former President Jimmy Carter and Governor Sonny Perdue, a Republican. Within days, Ms. Cox reversed herself.
The strong implication is that the superintendent would have stopped her teaching evolution, save that it was a state standard.

It's the standard part that makes this a peculiar story. I'm used to thinking of education in the southern US as utterly miserable -- but Georgia has a state standard that supports biology education?! I recall that we even had a struggle (kept VERY quiet) in Minnesota to keep natural selection in the curriculum.

Clearly Ms. New is a hero, but it's nice to hear of yet another righteous act by the noblest American - James Carter. (Yes, credit to Republican Perdue too -- Carter just happens to be an old hero of mine.)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Would Gates have preferred Jobs? Yes, claims the Economist

It's annoying. No sooner do I stop subscribing to the evidently moribund Economist than they start showing flashes of their lost audacious insight. Emphases mine.
Economist: Ozzie the Wizard

THE co-founder, chairman and “chief software architect” of Microsoft, the world's largest software company, would deny it on his life, but the one person Bill Gates admires most for his geeky prowess—and might have chosen to succeed him as software architect—is almost certainly Steve Jobs. Unfortunately, Mr Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Computer and victim of Mr Gates's predatory business instincts during the 1980s and 1990s, cannot be considered available, since he is busy leading Apple's renaissance as a builder of gadgets and software that, in the opinion of his fans, put Microsoft to shame. So Mr Gates spent years courting the geek he admires second most, a software pioneer named Ray Ozzie.

After many overtures, Microsoft last year bought Mr Ozzie's company, Groove Networks, and thus brought Mr Ozzie and his brother Jack inside the Microsoft tent...

... As a kid in suburban Chicago, Mr Ozzie was already soldering all sorts of dangerous circuits together in a guest bedroom, but it was at college in the 1970s that he discovered his passion, which was, as he once put it, “to augment relationships” among human beings through technology. The catalyst was his encounter with PLATO, ... he devoted his next three decades to writing software that enables “collaboration”.

His single biggest breakthrough came in the 1980s, when Mr Ozzie personally wrote a million of the first 3.5m lines of code for the first successful collaboration software, Lotus Notes...

... Mr Ozzie's company, Groove, was not a commercial success this time, but Mr Gates and others in the industry nonetheless saw the idea and recognised its potential. Last April Messrs Gates and Ozzie joined forces.

One reason why Mr Gates is so drawn to Mr Ozzie is that, as Mr Gates has said, “Ray is incredible at thinking of the end-user experience,” an area where Mr Gates, whose own genius is weighted towards business strategy rather than software finesse, has a less stellar reputation. Another reason is Mr Ozzie's personality, which is the opposite both of Mr Gates's and Mr Jobs's. Mr Gates has a squeaky voice and sounds perennially on the point of irritation; Mr Jobs pushes his colleagues as Ramses did his pyramid-builders and appears to have a similar self-image. Mr Ozzie, by contrast, wears a permanent Buddha-like smile, speaks in a soothing, deep voice and delivers even harsh appraisals with reassuring charm...
I've read many articles on the Gates transition. This and Cringely's are the only two worth the print. I presume the Jobs reference is tongue-in-cheek, but it is oddly plausible. Gates strategic brilliance (used to Evil ends, of course) and Jobs user experience genius would have been an utterly astounding combination. Of course they would never have been able to collaborate ...

Note the reference to PLATO, the face that launched a thousand ships. Old software never dies, PLATO was reborn as Notes and Groove and more. It was revolutionary.

I cannot resist the geek compulsion to imagine Bill Gates. I think of him as ruthless, with a compulsive desire to see things 'as they are' rather than as they are imagined to be. I imagine this is what has allowed him to kill ventures quickly. Did he realize his own weaknesses stood in the way -- and that for Ozzie to succeed he would have to leave? I wonder then how long Balmer will last.

Incidentally, Jon Udell, a deep thinker I've long admired, has had a longstanding relationship with Ozzie. It's hard to imagine Jon working for Gates, but it wouldn't shock me if he joined Ozzie. That would make for some interesting times.

PS. The Economist has also added links to 'article background' on their web site. It will be interesting to see what they do with these. They are web only, and the one for this article was well linked.

Google Checkout arrives - and it's Microsoft Wallet

Anyone remember Microsoft Wallet? It was a feature of IE 1.0, and I think it was part of Windows 3.1. Microsoft Wallet later became a Microsoft initiative to own identities, and provide a global account that would work across merchants. That triggered quite a furore.

And now the long rumored Google Checkout has arrived. It turns out to be a lot like Microsoft Wallet and Microsoft's identity management initiatives. Google's been owning my digital identity in stages, and now they've made the big leap -- they own my credit card information (AMEX, just to be a little safer). As yet Google is not a bank and there's no eCash/PayPal -- just credit cards. The interesting question is what this looks like for merchants. Do they have to get a standard credit card account or does Google step into the picture there?

Google masks email accounts on purchase, cutting down on corporate spam. That's worth something. The list of supported vendors is pretty small, the biggest is, GNC and Dick's Sporting Goods. CD Universe has a $10 coupon code.

Now that Google has my credit card I am fully owned. I might as well tatoo Google on my forehead. That's the way of the modern world. You can be owned by Amazon, eBay (that would be hell), Microsoft or Google. Pick your poison. Since I don't believe Google is anywhere near as dominant as Microsoft, I'm riding that pony.

In terms of impact, so far Google is clearly competing with Amazon. Depending on what they're doing for vendors they may be after eBay as well. The purchase history screen has a 'review sellers' section, that implies Google will be doing identity and reputation management of sellers. That's where eBay blew it (big time), I trust Google has learned from that.

Update: The NYT fills in the merchant side. eBay is toast (yes!). The Google subsidy will open up eCommerce for items priced between $1.00 to $2.00.
... for merchants, the service comes with a twist: Google will waive some or all of the transaction fees for companies that buy advertising from it. That may give the service a leg up on competitors like PayPal and several smaller companies that help online merchants accept credit cards.

It will also add another entry to the list of businesses that have been shaken up by Google's innovations, a list that already includes publishing, advertising and desktop software.

Google is charging merchants 20 cents plus 2 percent of the purchase price to process card transactions, less than most businesses pay for credit card processing. Banking industry executives say that credit card processors typically pay MasterCard and Visa a fee of 30 cents and 1.95 percent for every purchase, so Google will be subsidizing many transactions.

What is more, for every $1 a company spends on search advertising, Google will waive the fees on $10 worth of purchases. Factoring in the 2 percent fee, that represents a rebate of at least 20 percent of advertising spending.

...Mr. Bresee said Backcountry would have people watching the performance of Google Checkout around the clock.

"If they convert at the same rate, and the fees are lower, we will put up the biggest Google Checkout button you have ever seen," he said.